Analytical reports with market & competitor analysis, and unique ML models disclosing trends & narratives
Evaluate brand image and check its perceiving intended brand associations.
Work with multilingual spaces – this way we can consolidate the brand profile across all regions and look at each one separately.
Analyze the desired brand profile by each attribute and evaluate mentions trends changes
Evaluate existing and intended brand attributes that were set to meet company goals
Clearly see the context of discussions - determine narratives where your brand is discussed
See unbiased brand reputation profile as is and narratives around it
You choose one or more keywords — and LOOQME's unique ML model finds the trending words related to them. If they match, the mentions context is the same, and this will be displayed visually.
The topics of your brand mentions are determined by the LDA model, which automatically groups different word combinations that occur together most often.Circles are thematic clusters of varying importance. Their placement depends on the connection between the topics and proximity to the central keyword.
The key goal is showing the most frequently mentioned words in your keywords context. Words from the cloud can be tracked in dynamics to understand how the media space is changing.
Shows the context a keyword is mentioned in, and which words are mentioned most often and closely next to it.Unlike a cloud of words, the environment also takes into account the distance between a keyword and other words. That is, a certain connection between words is calculated.